Off the Needles || Baudelaire Sock

This week, I finally finished the Baudelaire socks that I began over two years ago.  Checking this project off the list has inspired me to finish seaming a Berrocco top that I've had going for quite a while now, so you may see an update on that pretty soon as well. I'm still not really sure what kept me unmotivated for so long in finishing these up, because the pattern really isn't that hard and is actually pretty simple to  memorize once you get your row counters organized.  I seem to remember messing up the heel initially, and after I rip out rows and rows and then fix them I tend to be annoyed with a project and drop it for a while.  That must be what happened.  In any case, they are done now and are super comfortable (and gratifying) to wear - I will probably wind more yarn today to start a new sock pattern this week!

When I first started the Baudelaire pattern I vowed to knit a pair of socks per month that year, which obviously didn't happen.  Maybe I'll add that to my 29 things before I turn 30 list that I will construct this August.  It will give me an excuse to order some Malabrigo sock yarn!

Have a look... (along with a few garden photos for good measure)