I realize that I just made a blog post moments ago, but as I was browsing on Yulie Urano's blog afterward I came across this and had to share! It's pretty interesting, check it out:
The piece in this video was part of a larger exhibition at the MOMU in Antwerp last year. Here is a description of the exhibition:
"With UNRAVEL. Knitwear in Fashion, MoMu presents an exhibition about a material that is very familiar to all of us: knitwear. The exhibition, whichruns from 16/03 until 14/08, will challenge certain established ideas and show that far from being old-fashioned and dowdy knitting is highly versatile, luxurious and a continuing source of inspiration for high end fashion.
The exhibition will address the important decades of knitwear in fashion, demonstrating knitwear’s popularity both on and off the catwalk and unravelling the changing status of the relationship between knitwear and fashion. UNRAVEL. Knitwear in Fashion will introduce the visitor to a wide variety of exquisite knitted garments and accessories from across the last centuries, with a focus on high fashion pieces and their vernacular interpretations."