On My Needles || Hitchhiker

The Instagram-alongers Ravelry group has been working on Hitchhiker, a shawl by Martina Behm this month.  My progress on it is slow, but since it IS something I've been working on gradually, I thought I would share it.  Partly because I like my progress photos.  The shawl looks complicated, but it's actually a really easy pattern to memorize.  I ended up using some Bare Merino Knit Picks yarn that was in my stash for the project.  Since I do still have an aspiration to knit socks this year I just couldn't let any of my Malabrigo Sock yarn go for this one.  I'm tempted to try dyeing the bare garment once it's finished, but this would be my first dye attempt and who knows how that could turn out?  If anyone has experience with dyeing knitted garments as opposed to roving and has comments on the differences in results, please let me know!