On the Horizon

There's not a lot to share at the moment... I've gotten my studio painted and am in the process of setting it up at the present moment.  Still requires some painting of a bookshelf, but it's nice to be able to find things again!  My studio room has three huge windows facing the front yard (to the south), and they let in SO much natural light!  I'm itching to go plant shopping, but will need to hold off for a bit.
In addition, I've started working on pieces for a couple of different installations that are coming up this spring.  You'll be seeing more progress on these in the near future, as it develops!  One aspect entails venturing into similar, yet very new to me territory... working with lichen!  Can't wait to share more on this project, and others.  And, you know... to stop being so cryptic.  More to come soon!