Introduction to "Niche"
I'm excited to announce one of the exhibits I'm creating work for this coming April.
Martin Nature Park in Oklahoma City is a favorite spot for J and I to get out in the "wild" while not having to commit an entire day to getting out of the city. It's a very peaceful oasis in town with plenty to observe and free from the distractions of the built environment. It's quiet.
For the past several weeks, I have been working on some pieces for installations that will be placed throughout the park for the duration of April - this is part of Martin Nature Park's Earthfest events. One installation will go along each of the three trails, in addition to a small one within the nature center building.
I may have mentioned this before, but thus far all of the outdoor installations I've created have been temporary. I create them, I place them, I photograph them... and then I take them down. No one but me gets to see them in person; only by photograph. Martin Park has given me the opportunity to install and leave my work there for the public to see, and to find. It's thrilling to know that visitors to the park will stumble upon each installation. As they hike the trails and look for each work with an awareness of the presence of the artwork throughout the park, I hope this will bring the attention of visitors to the phenology and stages of growth of the various plants and other organisms residing there. It will encourage engagement and contemplation of the ecosystems within the park as visitors notice the installations, and can help them to cultivate a stronger connection to nature.
The images shown are just a few shots of my works in progress, and I look forward to sharing more in the near future. Visit
Martin Nature Park at 5000 W Memorial Rd, Oklahoma City, OK during the month of April to see "Niche".