Conceptual Knitting
Knitting, conceptual? This craft can mean so much more than just a garment or accessory. I love the term "conceptual knitting", because it lends weight to the fact that knitting is so much more than just a craft... it is an art form. Rather than just superficial value, pieces can have underlying significance, meaning and beauty.
My mom sent me a link to the
Leafcutter Designs web site the other day, and I love this idea: a "conceptual knitting" project which materializes the shade of the sky, every day for a full year. In the end you have a scarf that represents the full year in weather (which in my mind personally, has affected your well being day by day by day).
It reminds me of the Asian Philosophy course I took in college. As a science major, humanities courses were far and few between for me and the ones that I did take ended up being some of my favorite courses from my entire college career. Granted, with the Asian Philosophy class I was pretty smitten with my instructor (mostlyr because the material was so profound and moving to me...) but I was very inspired when it came time for our final projects. We were to creatively interpret one of the concepts from the duration of the course. I knitted a scarf representing the concept of "OM"... several different balls of yarn in different shades of blue, all tied together, all knitted in to one garment. different, yet the same. I also knitted the "OM" symbol into the garment, using various stitches. Again, all connected, all part of the same piece, all one. Maybe I should revive this concept. The final product up with my instructor as a gift of gratitude for my enjoyment of the class.
In any case, here is a pdf pattern of the "
Sky Scarf". I hope it keeps you present and connected.